Environmental Improvement
Humans interact with the environment constantly, and
environmental conditions have a great impact on human
health. The current global deterioration of ecosystems is
placing an unprecedented pressure on world food supplies,
posing a great threat to human health.
Boston HTC works on a broad range of issues that involve
environment and health. As we are pursuing our mission to
build a better world and to live a healthier life, we
dedicated to salvage the downhill ecosystems, and strive to
provide solutions to the food crisis.
World food supplies are in crisis. Years of over-farming,
pollutions, water shortage, ocean acidification, habitat
destruction, climate change and the extreme weather events
have stripped our land and seas of much of their vitality
and productivity. Bee colony collapse, bird flu, and swine
flu add additional insult to injury. This crisis is further
distressed by the over-population.
Scientists have strived to find solutions. One of the
promising one is called vertical farming or city farming.
This well-controlled, highly effective modern farming
technology might be a tantalizing solution to keep up with
feeding of our growing population without being affected by
the deterioration of earth ecosystems.
Vertical farming is going to be city-bound, pesticides and
herbicides free, completely organic, transportation reduced,
water and space efficient, weather damage immune,
micronutrients precisely controlled, and all year round. The
major challenge for this revolutionary farming factory,
however, is the high energy cost for lightening and
temperature control.
At Boston HTC, we provide forefront researches and
technologies that could make the energy generation and
conservation more efficient for vertical farming