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Current Health Challenges

Did you know that nearly 10% of Americans are diabetic, 15% of aged people are demented, 30% of adults have sleep problems, and over 35% are obesity? Did you know that 1 in 68 newborns in US are autistic, a 30% increase within last two years? If not stopped, this fastest-growing developmental disability will sweep over all newborns by 2050.

What has changed to bring about these epidemic? Some scientists are digging deep to find answers in our genetics, while many others believe epigenetics underlie these epidemiological features. Other than genetics causality, which involves in mutations, epigenetics only change the wrapping of DNA without altering the genetic codes. Lifestyle and environment are two major contributing factors for epigenetics alterations.

What has gone wrong with our lifestyle and environment?
Did you know that the majority of Americans are deficient in micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) due to poor diet and soil depletion? Did you know that approximately 1.4 billion pounds of trash per year enters the ocean? Did you know that toxic elements and chemicals that derived from modern life literally surround us in our everyday lives?

Did you know that antibiotics abuse in U.S. is creating “superbugs”, which sicken millions of Americans a year? Did you know that 80% of the antibiotics used in the U.S. are given to livestock and end up on your dinner table? You may already know that antibiotics kill bacteria, but you may not know that they also alter the composition of our gut bacteria. Increasing evidence indicates that gut microbiota is the living bridge between the gut and the central nervous system. Scientists have found that gut bacteria play an important and unignorable role in numerous pathogenic conditions, such as obesity, autism, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, etc.

Facing these enormous challenges, at Boston HTC, we have a multidisciplinary team of experts, supported by local eminent research institutes, providing three strategy components of a multipronged approach, namely, nutrition, detoxification, and healthy environment.

When your body is not burdened metabolically by toxins and not deficient in nutrition, but nourished in a healthy environment, you can perform miracles.




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